Thursday we drove from Olive Branch, MS to Topeka, KS.  When we woke up the tire was still up so off we went, beating rush hour traffice in Memphis!  Once in Missouri we stopped to see my mother’s cousin, Lois.  It was so much fun seeing her and reminiscing with her!  Family is awesome and I think that cousins are just some of the neatest people in the world!  We arrived in Topeka and my Dad’s cousin and her husband picked us up and took us home!  That was great!  Elinor had already read the book since WinePress had overnighted some copies to her house when we weren’t sure my copies would make it before we left.  She especially liked “Uncle Floyd” since she knew exactly who that character is patterned after!  (My great-uncle Ervin, who was known as Trader Jones).  We talked too about my great-aunt Beulah Jones who was a wonderful lady.  She is the one who gave me the idea of taking my nieces and nephews on an “8 year old trip”.  Beulah sent me cards for every graduation I ever had.  She knew all of her nieces and nephews and their children and kept up with what was going on with ALL of them!  She was amazing.  I wish she and my Grandpa Jones could see this book!  Wow!  They would like it.  The next morning we saw another of my Dad’s cousins at breakfast.  Fun!

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